
1 kommentti
  • Tuolla se lukee kun selaa tuota linkkiä linkittämältäsi sivulta.

    Ajon jälkeen kun menee peräkontista ottamaan tavaroita, polttaa itsensä pakoputken päähän.

    As reflected by the complaints, people removing items from the cargo
    area naturally place their legs at the rear of the vehicle. People are burned as they
    inadvertently contact either of the two hot exhaust tips that are located at the center rear
    of the vehicle.

    Ja BMW myöntää asian:

    BMW has acknowledged that the larger exhaust tips and their placement on the subject
    vehicles are causing burn injuries, and has implemented a design change to the tips to

    Koko dokumentti kuvineen kaikkineen siis täällä:


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