Jaggen S-type tuplaturboD

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Ei mitenkään huonoa arvostelua Jeremyltä, joka normaalisti naulaa auton arkkuun jos siihen on aihetta. Harvemmin antaa noin hyvää arvostelua mistään.


A panel of judges from the Top Gear Magazine and TV programme voted the S-TYPE Diesel, which went on sale in April this year, as the best entry in the class because of its class-leading handling, smooth ride and quietness.

Jeremy Clarkson, host of BBC2's Top Gear and columnist for Top Gear Magazine said: "It's the best handling and smoothest riding executive saloon of them all. In an era of spine-breaking Audis and BMWs, Jaguar hasn't forgotten that execs need cosseting at the end of a hard day. For our brave and fearless businessmen up and down the land, the S-TYPE Diesel really is the best."

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